Saturday, 22 April 2017

Releasse 4 - Tutorial about how to create a new Starting Kit

I was planning to fix Issue668 as my fourth release.

After talk to professor about this issue, I quickly put the right code back.

However, becuase the branch I was working on did not merge into the master branch on mozilla/brackats until the last minute, it force me to change my plan.

I would like to keep working on that issue (not for acdamic study actually make me feel better).

Luckly, I find another thing for myself to do.

Several days ago, I create a Starting Kit for thible. (see Blog)

It takes a lot effort to understand the background logic.

However, what take most of the time is writting the tutorial page and the Teaching Kit..

In this case, I was wondering: why don't I make a tutorial for teaching people how to make a Starting Kit?

Then I worked on it.

I first modified the old Teaching Kits into a template.

Link: Template1 & Template2.


These templates would save huge amout of time for people who want to ceate a new Staring Kit.

Then, I modified the tutorial.html.

By adding a little bit of text, a new tutorial would quickly be made by contributors.

Finally, I use the tempate of the tutorial.html to make a tutorial for creating new Starting Kit.

Views of both page:

I was thinking about making the tutorial into a version.

I will keep contact on this issue with the community and figure out the best solution.

Link to the pull request: here

Lab 8 - Unit Test

What is the best thing that a programmers could ever meet? PASS the test, No bug!

That is what I feel after I saw this page:

In this lab, we made our own test for our own program.

Try to broken my own program is a really strange feeling. (usually people won't positively look for trouble to themselves)

My program did broken several times during my test, and some times I have to spend an hour change the code & google for sulotion.

The test file is much longer that the original file.

Cover every different cases is not easy. I talked to my classmates about the possible cases that might broke my program.

Thank god, I pass they all. Testing other people's job is never a easy work.

Releasse 3 - Fix few bugs about Starting Kit.

As I keep working for the Starting Kits, I find there are huge amout of bugs. (probably because no one really goes into those Kits)

Here are few bugs I found: Issue2012Issue2028 and Issue2033.

I fixed every bug that I am able to fix (Pull2027), but most of the bugs are bugs that normal contributors cannot approached. (because Starting Kits are all works published on other people's accout).

I opend up issues, and hopefully that administrators of thimble would be able to fix those bugs.

Also, as people mentioned in the Issue1917, stay-calm project under the default folder is useless.

In this case, I removed all those files after test.

Testing this is not a easy job. Because the thimble reciently updated to bramble, I have to run both old/new code, in order to make sure that everything works fine.

Here is the work I did: Pull2011

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Brackets vs. Atom

Brackets vs. Atom

Brackets and Atom are open source code editor that developend by Adobe and Github sepriately.

In this blog, I will introduce some basic operations in these two code editor. Hopefully this blog will give you some idea about which one should you choose.

Q1: How to open a file, a folder of files?

Left: Atom vs. Right: Brackets

Q2: How to change your indent from tabs to spaces, 2-spaces, 4-spaces, etc?

Left: Atom vs. Right: Brackets

Q3: How to open the editor from the command line?

Just call: atom || brackets

Q4: How to find things?

Click on the dorp down menu: Find.

Q5: How to split the screen into multiple panes/editors/views?

Left: Atom vs. Right: Brackets

Q6: How to change keybindings?


Q7: What are some common key bindings?

Atom -> Find common key: Ctrl + Shift + P

Q8: How to enable/use autocomplete for coding HTML, JS, CSS, etc?

Atom: Click on Tab.

Brackets: Click on Enter.


Download: Atom -> ||  Brackets ->


Many useful addon applications are availiable on-line for people to download. Here I will use several addons on Atom as example to show you how those addons works.

In Atom, people can simply go Setting to install addons.

More interesting Add-On: (linter, minimap-pigments, ect.)

VirtualBox causes SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION / Windows 10 Blue Screen of Death - Disable Hyper-v

Disable Hyper-V!!!
Disable Hyper-V!!!
Disable Hyper-V!!!

It is sooooooooooooo important, so I have to say three times.

Windows 10 automaticaly enabled hyper-v (for me, it is).
Enable Hyper-V will cause Blue Screen of Death when you shut down your virtual machine on VirtualBox.

If you have the same problem, just try is first. Disable Hyper-V is not harmful for you system, so just try it.

How to disable Hyper-v:
Go to Control Panel ->

I spend hours to find this issue. I hope this blog could help someone.

If you find any mistake I made in this blog. Please tell me in the comment. Thank you.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Releasse 2 - Add a Starting Kit for AFrame web VR

AFrame web VR is really attractive.

I spend several days on playing with all the API's that aframe provide me.

There are a lot of open source project that already made by other developers.

The animation they made are soooooo attractive.

For example:


The 360 Image is also really good:

I learned a lot from other people's code.

Finally, I make my own Starting Kit based on their example, and I also add some advance features:

Please go and play with it: A-Frame web VR

It doesn't look that fancy, but I think it is easier for a beginner to understand.

I also saw other people made a Starting Kit for AFrame, too.

However, I'm prode to say that mind is much better the old one.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Thimble VR: Create A-Frame Starter Kit (Issue 1609)

I was planning to fix the bug 1609 as the second part of my realease one.
Howeve, it is such a big project that need a lot of time to finish.

As a result, I will work on it as my second release.

Hopefully I could finsh the docqumenting faster...

Here is the my issue:#1609