As I keep working for the Starting Kits, I find there are huge amout of bugs. (probably because no one really goes into those Kits)
Here are few bugs I found: Issue2012, Issue2028 and Issue2033.
I fixed every bug that I am able to fix (Pull2027), but most of the bugs are bugs that normal contributors cannot approached. (because Starting Kits are all works published on other people's accout).
I opend up issues, and hopefully that administrators of thimble would be able to fix those bugs.
Also, as people mentioned in the Issue1917, stay-calm project under the default folder is useless.
In this case, I removed all those files after test.
Testing this is not a easy job. Because the thimble reciently updated to bramble, I have to run both old/new code, in order to make sure that everything works fine.
Here is the work I did: Pull2011
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