Saturday, 22 April 2017

Releasse 4 - Tutorial about how to create a new Starting Kit

I was planning to fix Issue668 as my fourth release.

After talk to professor about this issue, I quickly put the right code back.

However, becuase the branch I was working on did not merge into the master branch on mozilla/brackats until the last minute, it force me to change my plan.

I would like to keep working on that issue (not for acdamic study actually make me feel better).

Luckly, I find another thing for myself to do.

Several days ago, I create a Starting Kit for thible. (see Blog)

It takes a lot effort to understand the background logic.

However, what take most of the time is writting the tutorial page and the Teaching Kit..

In this case, I was wondering: why don't I make a tutorial for teaching people how to make a Starting Kit?

Then I worked on it.

I first modified the old Teaching Kits into a template.

Link: Template1 & Template2.


These templates would save huge amout of time for people who want to ceate a new Staring Kit.

Then, I modified the tutorial.html.

By adding a little bit of text, a new tutorial would quickly be made by contributors.

Finally, I use the tempate of the tutorial.html to make a tutorial for creating new Starting Kit.

Views of both page:

I was thinking about making the tutorial into a version.

I will keep contact on this issue with the community and figure out the best solution.

Link to the pull request: here

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